Friday May 17, 2024
Celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024 with CENA
Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
In this special episode of the Nation's Blind Podcast, Anil Lewis is joined by members of the Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Accessibility (CENA) team to discuss the work they do in promoting accessibility. They discuss topics such as artificial intelligence, including its potential benefits and risks, as well as various technologies and devices that promote accessibility, such as the Cadence Tablet, Monarch dynamic tactile display, and Tactonom Reader. They also highlight the work they do under the Nonvisual Accessibility Initiative grant from the state of Maryland, including training modules for education professionals, customer service training for the Maryland Department of Labor, and the Accessibility Inclusion Fellows program. Additionally, they mention upcoming boutiques and trainings on topics such as accessible video gaming, advanced PDF tagging, and native low-vision accessibility features. There is also a discussion of the Nonvisual Accessibility Self-Advocacy Toolkit, which provides resources for individuals to report accessibility issues and contribute to creating more accessible experiences.
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